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TotSports Grab 'n Go Golf

TotSports Grab 'n Go Golf

SKU# 620805
Age limit 18 months - 5 years icon 18 months - 5 years

TotSports Grab 'n Go Golf

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    • Case holds every piece of equipment-from the tee to the putters
    • Soft nylon strap for convenient carrying.
    • Easy to store.
    • Helps develop motor skills and coordination.
    • Adult assembly is required.
TotSports Grab 'n Go Golf - 
Golf toys promote active play and coordination.

Golf toys promote active play and coordination.

TotSports Grab 'n Go Golf - 
Over-sized club heads and balls make it easy for kids to make contact.

Over-sized club heads and balls make it easy for kids to make contact.

TotSports Grab 'n Go Golf - 
The convenient case holds every piece of equipment for easy storing.

The convenient case holds every piece of equipment for easy storing.

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