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Adventure Falls Water Table

Adventure Falls Water Table

SKU# 489167
Age limit 2 + years icon 2 + years

Adventure Falls Water Table

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    • MAKE A SPLASH. Multi-layered, 360-degree design encourages social playtime where multiple kids can have fun together for hours. Interactive water spinners, cranes, and waterfalls encourage imaginative play and a fun sensory experience.
    • DETAILED LAYOUT. Intricately designed with special details to enhance children’s playtime experience. Scoop water into the upper basin and watch waterfalls activate the spinning gears, tip the bucket, and send toys sailing down cascading ramps.
    • FUNCTIONAL CRANE. Use the kid-friendly crane to easily move boats in and out of the inner pool.
    • EASY TO CLEAN. Open layout allows for quick cleanup when playtime is over.
    • LOTS OF WATER. Holds up to 5 gallons of water.
    • 6 AQUATIC ACCESSORIES. This outdoor water play table includes a watering can, fill cup, boat, submarine, and 2 fun sea creatures.
    • IMAGINATIVE OUTDOOR PLAY. This water table set makes an ideal gift for kids ages 2+ years.
    • ASSEMBLY. Adult assembly is required.
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