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Cozy Coupe - Dino Ride-On

Cozy Coupe - Dino Ride-On

SKU# 641961
Age limit 18 months - 5 years icon 18 months - 5 years

Cozy Coupe - Dino Ride-On

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    • The Dino Cozy Coupe has a fun design.
    • Handle on back for parent-controlled push rides.
    • Removable floor board.(colors may vary)
    • When the floor is in, little ones’ feet are protected.
    • Take the floor out allows kids to use foot-to-floor power.
    • Designed with a high seat back and cup holders in the rear. (cup not included)
    • Moving, clicking ignition switch.
    • Gas cap open and closes.
    • Dino rolls on rugged, durable tires.
    • Front wheels spin 360 degrees.
    • Maximum weight limit: up to 50lbs.
    • Adult assembly is required.
Cozy Coupe - Dino Ride-On - 
Dino has a fun design, a parent push handle and a removable floorboard.

Dino has a fun design, a parent push handle and a removable floorboard.

Cozy Coupe - Dino Ride-On - 
Handle on back for parent-controlled push rides.

Handle on back for parent-controlled push rides.

Cozy Coupe - Dino Ride-On - 
Removable floor board allows kids to use foot-to-floor power.

Removable floor board allows kids to use foot-to-floor power.

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